Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Elder Jepsen - Mission Entry 60 - Blessed Beyond All Expectations

Happy birthday, Mom! Hope you had a wonderful day, I sure did. (I am just sitting down for the camera, for the remainder of the day we did real missionary work). I could essentially send you last weeks email again this week. Not that there was anything boring about this week, it was just AS GREAT AS LAST WEEK, like so may other weeks on my mission and that's a good thing. I am happy with what I doing and where I am at in my life. I am surrounded by people that feel the same way about missionary work as I do and I am constantly learning and growing. We work at becoming better missionaries, stay busy teaching people that we meet right in town and I feel blessed beyond all expectations. What more could I want in life right now?

I am enjoying my time out here and I feel privileged that I can focus just on the gospel and the Lord's message to all of us. I will never tire from seeing the change in people as they discover that God is real, He lives and hears our prayers. I am amazed that God's message to us, essentially a collection of rather simple truths still seems like one of the worlds greatest secrets. Drawing nearer to the Lord and learning His teachings has the potential of solving many of the big problems in the world, if only people were not so busy trying to prove themselves greater and smarter than God.

I have known and looked up to many missionaries in my time and I have been looking forward to this time, where I myself could have this experience most of my life. Now I am here and time is running faster than ever expected. I feel like I still have so much work to do, time just won't slow down and I am constantly trying to catch up.

Love you all,

Elder Jepsen

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