You ask how I am coping with the cold??? What cold??? Let me clarify with a SLIGHTLY modified scripture: 1 Cor: 15:55 O frost, where is thy bite? O chill, where is thy mark? IT IS NOT COLD in Thunder Bay!!! We've had plus degrees lately and we're all perplexed! I don't get it! You're still getting snow in Denmark and it's probably colder than here! I am sure it won't last, but wonders never cease. Now Eric, don't forget to wear your touque!
I mentioned last time that we were losing some commitments to baptism, but no worries, others are progressing in their place and taking BIG steps forward. We are teaching a native father and his son. They are scheduled for baptism and they're really looking forward to it. They are very very quiet and contemplative people, but when they speak it's with great depth (not at all like me, more like the totally opposite).
Some of the people we teach came out to church last Sunday and it went very well.
When visiting one of our less active members at the local hospice, we were trying to visit one of the people we are currently teaching who works there. We hadn't seen her there before, so we were just following a hunch that we would bump into her. When we walked in the door, there she was! She was so excited to see us there that she immediately gave us a BIG hug. She's a woman that we just recently were led to, that has been very interested in what the gospel has to offer her family. She has a three year old child that I first thought was five or six years old. He is like a younger version of Elder Marsh and really enjoys skateboarding and snowboarding. They have so much happiness waiting for them from the Gospel. Hurrah!
I really enjoy seeing the change in people when they discover that God is there for them and that He DOES answer sincere prayers offered up in faith. When it happened for Joseph Smith it totally changed the rest of that day for him, and if if I could teach only that and teach it well, everything else would would be a breeze. Have faith, pray and trust in the Lord!
I really hope your operation goes well, Mom (I'll try and put a word in with the Lord next time I report to Him). Maybe if you're getting a cast you can use it for training the dog to sic people (just kidding :D).
Yes Mom, I'll try to remember to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
I love you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you!
that should cover everybody, including the dog.
Well, take care y'all. Ah luv y'all
Elder Lee Jepsen
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