Wednesday, December 19, 2012

You Can Change the World, Really!

At this time of year, when many people are busy making their own little version of a happy Christmas it's easy to forget those that are so easily overlooked i their quiet and often humble or lonely circumstances. Reach out and be an angel, it's a good thing and it begins with you! 

People also need help during Christmas, problems don't magically disappear during the holidays. Check in on those you care about and make sure they are well taken care of, bring them a plate of cookies and a friendly thought.

At the risk of sounding cliche, Selflessness (love) makes the world go around. When we do something that others are in need of, we become instruments in the hands of God, His extended hands. 

Every single day there is someone near you praying for help and when someone prays for divine help, the most obvious answer to that person's prayer could be the person next to you, or you? Being sensitive to the needs of others we can essentially become momentary angels and blessings in someone's life. Be an angel, won't you?

What a wonderful thought to think that others might in their prayers be thanking God for the very thing that you did for them, the kind and genuine smile that helped their day, the little favor, noticing a need and quietly reaching out to help without waiting for or expecting a thank you. 

A true help doesn't burden the recipient with an added feeling of indebtedness, impossible to pay back, when already low on all resources and deeply in need of help. Help to help, not to earn someones gratitude.

While our help to others might not mean the world to us, it could be the one thing that holds someone's world together when everything around them seems to come crashing down. 

In return for helping others, our lives are enriched, life becomes more pleasant all around and our inner happiness is increased. 

In times of difficulty, world economic crises, personal budget worries, anxiety, stress and thoughts of depression, it's balm to the soul to feel the happiness of helping others and such happiness has staying power. 

By extending our helping hands, we can begin a circle of goodness that soon might spread like rings in the water and come right back to us when we might need it the most. But, that is not why we should help anybody, we should help because it is needed. The world needs more goodness, more smiles, more friendliness and better people, making better choices and it begins with you and me. 

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