Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Elder Jepsen - Mission Entry 024 - This is it, I am NOT here now--in MINNESOTA! . . . I am in CANADA!

I'm having great fun and although it is not nearly as far North as Denmark, it seems they get more snow here than we did at home. :-) Thunder Bay is the greatest. Since it's so far away from EVERYTHING, it is NOTHING like the bigger cities, but the people here are wonderful. I guess they get more of a chance to be themselves up here (not that I have had much of chance to compare with the rest of the mission, but people here are great).

Kanno and I are working very hard and he is an excellent trainer. We have a goal of ten baptisms before he goes home. It's a lofty goal but it can be accomplished with Gods help. We have names down for all the baptisms and I know that as we continually consult the Lord in our hopes, decisions and ambitions, the Lord will send His spirit to help those prepared to accept Him in their lives.

I feel really blessed to be here serving the Lord. During my work as a missionary, both in Denmark and at the MTC I have come to be so grateful for the person I have become as your son. Thank you Mom and Dad for helping me become someone that can serve the Lord on a mission, I am so happy to be here and I am really glad to be able to serve the people in Thunder Bay.

I am so grateful that way back before I was born, you didn't trust our doctor more than the Lord, advising you against having any more children. You still had me and my brother Eric and I will always be indebted to your courage, faith and great example. You have always been there for me at the end of every road. I know that you both have made countless sacrifices over the years, more than I can begin to imagine. You unselfishly chose to have children and family instead of just thinking of yourselves and how much easier life could have been without the added responsibility.

I am overwhelmed when I think of the great blessings I have experienced and wouldn't want to be without. Thank you for your examples to me, thank you for being my parents and thank you for being there for me. You have given me a lot to work for and live up to.

I'll be writing a letter to Anita today to thank her for the awesome quilt and pillow and army-green sheets (YES). The bike has no insurance or warranty, so I have to buy two sturdy locks and hope the Lord sees fit to continue blessing me as he has so far. I'd better make sure that He has time for other things than to look after my bike, so I'll double lock it and be careful allowing room for God to focus on helping our teaching appointments work out for the best. (Not that I really consider God's omnipotent powers to have limits, but some things are still on my shoulders).

I'm happy to hear that people enjoy the blog! I'm grateful to you Dad for all the work you put into sharing my mails and thoughts. I couldn't possibly keep connected to everyone as I would like, without your help. Thank you. :-)

I love you all and may the Lord bless everyone reading and following the accounts of my mission adventure. I am grateful to be here. My prayers are with you as I have felt your prayers be with me, it's good to know that I am not doing this alone. I hope you are all doing well!


Elder Jepsen

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