Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Elder Jepsen - Mission Entry 66 - Results Make Missionary Work Worth Every Little Effort

A great big happy independence day, or happy fourth as everybody else says... We spent some of the evening at our main investigators house and it was a blast of barbecue, fireworks (nice, but small ones compared to New Years eve in Denmark...(which while excessive, is overwhelmingly impressive). Do you happen to have any pics from Danish New Years Eve, BTW?)

One of our families is moving tomorrow to a different place in town, although still within the ward. Once again the famous "Elder's Quorum Volunteer Moving Company" will be assisting them in their move (although nothing remotely close to our last move--no worries). It's great to see how fast and how well they've integrated into the Ward here and also how everyone in the Ward loves them. It is like they've always been part of this congregation. It's times like these that makes missionary work worth every little effort.

Based strictly on my little accounts from here you might think that life is just one success after another and this would be completely WRONG. As you are well aware, I have a habit of putting my foot in my mouth (American lingo expressing an urgent need to attempt an immediate blocking of the flow of stupidity before any embarrassment builds to unrecoverable heights). I could write the book on putting my big foot in my mouth and I realize that I have lots to learn about common courtesy but, I mean well and I do keep trying. I could be a LOT more "polished" but that's actually difficult when you're me. Additionally, life as a missionary does have its trials, hurdles and troubles to get trough and the obstacles in our path does not get any smaller, just because of being on a mission. But, I don't like to dwell or focus on negatives and no problem has ever diminished by whining, complaining, writing or reading about it. My time as a missionary is very limited and I find my time best spent looking ahead on what can be done and how I can do it better.

On a completely different subject: When meeting new people every day we see a lot of different family situations and it truly makes me appreciate you two. I really love you both. I meet so many people here where their parents are either divorced or they just don't function. I know you that you don't feel much that way but, you two really are a source of power to me because of the your love for us children and each other. We may not have lived like the Rockefeller's when I was growing up but, I sure felt spoiled anyway. I feel so fortunate to know that you are my parents. If I were to do things over, I would have still put dibs on you to be my parents. I would want it no other way and I want you to know that I feel proud to be your son and I always will. Thank you for raising me, being my parents and doing your very best at it. I love you both!

It seems that every time I write you stuff like this I end with a lump in my throat but, it has to be said!

Love ya!

Elder Jepsen

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